Thursday, September 27, 2007

keep teachers out of the pool

The simple premise: Create a product that focuses on the day in the life of a Classrooms for the Future Coach. Work with the members of your Intermediate Unit.

The IU-23 glitch: Being the largest IU, we were required to split into two groups.

The IU-23 solution: Team up by gender.

The result for the men:

The result for the women will be added here shortly, but I'm just so gosh-darn curious to post what my group created.


Dianne Krause said...

Great job guys!

Kristin Hokanson said...

Thanks Ken for the reminder that while we are sometimes drowning in the sea of information it is our job to keep folks afloat

Ladies project can be viewed HERE

Anne Van Meter said...

Took me awhile to find this. It's just as funny as I remember ;-) You guys dry yet?