Wednesday, February 6, 2008

the very hungry edublogger

In the light of the hallway a little tech coach lay on a laptop.

One Monday morning the library opened and - pop! - in came a laptop in the hands of the tech coach / would-be edublogger.

He started to look for a way 'in' to the blogosphere.

On Monday he read one blog. But he was still unknown.

On Tuesday he started two of his own blogs, but he was still unknown.

On Wednesday he commented on three prominent blogs, but he was still unknown.

On Thursday he registered with four tracking sites, but he was still unknown.

On Friday he embedded five widgets on his blog, but he was still unknown.

The following Monday he read blogs, started a post, checked Technorati, commented on blogs, analyzed Feedburner, edited his post, commented on more blogs, reviewed Statcounter, updated his widgets, posted a blog entry, pinged Technorati, and promoted his post on Twitter.

That night he had subscribers and an authority number on Technorati!

The next day was Tuesday. The edublogger wrote one short post, and after that he felt much better.

Now he wasn't looking for an 'in' any more - and he wasn't a no-name edublogger any more. He was a ranked, well-connected edublogger.

He built a small bastion, called a table, and sat at it. He sat at it for more than one year. Then he peered above his computer monitor, stood up, looked around and...

Realized there was a beautiful world around him!


Graham Wegner said...

As impressed as I am with this Carle influenced tale, I will respectfully resist the urge to blatantly plagiarise your writing. It does take a while to look one's head up from the screen and see what's happening around their own life. Me, I focussed so much on the web, ICT and the whole technology deal that I've found myself well behind in progressive literacy pedagogy and playing catch up in coming to grips with literacy blocks, guided reading and literature circles. Delving back into that sort of stuff opens my eyes somewhat to why many of my colleagues don't have time for "all that internet stuff."

Ken Rodoff said...

@graham: like you, I've definitely felt the 'falling behind' sensation due to no more Rodoff-run classes. But visiting classes, discussing learning and co-planning lessons has opened up a whole new world of content-knowledge. Content I would have never spent time thinking about had I stayed in room 218, doing the 'Anthem' and 'Hamlet' thing.

Oh, and a new-found sense of empathy has surfaced. Being in classes and considering the amount of work students have to do in order to be successful makes me a lot more understanding about our students' lives.