Thursday, March 26, 2009

a tweally twifficult twest

The future of education depends on your mastery of this.

I'm constantly reminded why I despise multiple-choice tests.


Anne Van Meter said...

I don't remember studying WWII in elementary school? Or Victorian England/Society at all (except through reading Anne Peters mysteries and Charles Dickens) Someone at the Guardian chose two technological buzzwords and two important eras in history and made them mutually exclusive. Perhaps a course in logic (at the primary level?) would have been in order.

btw, I got a 3/5 on my multiple guess twest. Teaching all that probability to 8th graders *obviously* improved my guessin skills.

Jenny said...

I scored 3 out of 5. I'm left wondering if I should be proud of that or completely ashamed. I'm leaning toward ashamed.

But I've been socialized enough to think that the better the score, the better I am.

Ken Rodoff said...

@anne My entire elementary schooling revolved around Victorian England. Only once in a while would we study, oh, what's it called? the American Revolution.

@jenny Socialization is a powerful force. And you should be proud. Testing taught all of us to feel an increased sense of self-worth b/c of our numeric grades. I feel ashamed.

Jackie Ballarini said...

I have no idea what I studied in elementary school.

Somehow I got 3/5 also. (Sorry Ken)